Provision of managed services for ICT, back-office and facilities management for parking and other appeals services and managed ICT services at London Councils Southwark office.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
London Councils
59 1/2 Southwark Street
For the attention of: Elaine Hughes/Garry Hoy
SE1 0AL London
Telephone: +44 2079349937
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 27: Other services
NUTS code
where appropriate. London Councils is currently seeking expressions of interest from organisations who are interested in providing managed services to the London based appeals hearing centre in London EC1V including reception and guarding; back-office processing facilities and call centre; case management system(s) development and maintenance; database management; ICT hardware and software applications and ICT hardware and software applications to London Councils office in London SE1.
The contract is advertised in five lots. Applicants can bid for one or more lots however because lots 1 and 5 are both for appeals services and the requirements are broadly the same therefore bids will only be considered for Lots 1 and 5 combined. Lots 1 or 5 will not be awarded separately nor will we let Lot 1 or 5 to different Service Providers. With the exception of lots 1 and 5, Applicants may bid for a single lot or any combination of multiple lots including bidding for all 5 lots.
The Services required fall into the broad category of administrative support (including IT support to the CMS, clerical and other).They do not extend to participation in the formal adjudication process, or to the functions of London Councils' staff.
The contract is advertised in the following five lots:
- Lots 1 (and 5) Appeals Services including development, delivery, hosting and maintenance of the appeals case management systems (These Lots will be awarded together).
- Lot 2 ICT, software, hardware and support (for the Appeals Services based in London EC1V).
- Lot 3 ICT, software, hardware and support (for London Councils based in SE1).
- Lot 4 Transactional services (Tow-away, Recovering and Clamping Enquiry (TRACE) and Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC).
Lot 5 Other appeals services (see Lot 1 as Lot 1 and 5 will be let together).
75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots
- Lots 1 and 5 Appeals Services including development, delivery, hosting and maintenance of the appeals case management systems (These Lots will be awarded together).
- Lot 2 ICT, software, hardware and support (for the Appeals Services based in London, EC1V).
- Lot 3 ICT, software, hardware and support (for London Councils based in London SE1).
- Lot 4 Transactional services (Tow-away, Recovering and Clamping Enquiry (TRACE) and Traffic Enforcement Centre (TEC).
Lots 5 Other Appeals Services (See Lot 1 as Lots 1 and 5 will be awarded together).
Estimated value excluding VAT:
Range: between 34 000 000 and 42 000 000 GBP
Description of these options: There will be an option for London Councils to award the contract for an initial term of either 60 months or 84 months. There will be a further option to extend the contract by up to 36 months beyond the intial term. The range in II.2.1 is based on the 60 and 84 month contract periods including the period of the extension. The duration in months in II.3 is the total potential, maxiumum length of the contract if London Councils decides to let it for 84 months plus the 36 month extension.The engagement of some or all of the extension period will be subject to the approval of the Transport and Environment Committee (TEC).
Information about lots
Lot No: 1 Lot title: Lots 1 Appeals services including development, delivery and maintenance of the appeals case management systems (Lots 1 and 5 will be awarded together)a) PATAS Staff and Adjudicators can perform their functions efficiently and effectively;
b) the appellants and the Enforcing Authorities (EAs) find the Service simple to use, fair and accessible;
c) all case work is correctly handled on a timely and efficient basis.
1.2 The Service Provider shall ensure that all case and case-related information is reviewed and correctly recorded and documented to allow both the PATAS staff and Adjudicators to carry out their duties, to ensure that both postal and personal appeals are processed and hearings held with the minimum of waiting time for appellants and with minimum necessary bureaucracy, to register the outcome of different case related activity and inform all parties of the outcome.
1.3 The procedures for dealing with appeals to the Parking Adjudicators are contained in the Road Traffic (Parking Adjudicators) (London) Regulations 1993 (as amended or re-enacted from time to time) and the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 (as amended or re-enacted from time to time). These regulations are available on the PATAS web-site (
1.4 London Councils expects there to be continuous improvement in the Service and that the Service Provider shall be proactive in suggesting improvements or alternative ways of providing the services delivered under the Agreement.75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Range: between 24 000 000 and 30 000 000 GBP
a) Desktop hardware and software
b) Productivity applications that include word processing, presentation and spread sheet facilities;
c) Flexibility in day to day work activities including communication (email, telephony and mobile technologies), enquiry and information processing;
d) Information management and secure handling of all its data either locally or via the Cloud
e) Migration of existing or legacy systems and data where necessary
f) ICT helpdesk support
75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Range: between 680 000 and 850 000 GBP
To support this London Councils needs to make use of a variety of technologies and software to enable improved communications and collaboration capabilities among its staff and clients as well as provide efficiency savings and best practice where feasible.
The Service Provider is to provide London Councils staff with a range of business systems and applications that can be used to support staff and its visitors either deployed locally or via the Internet;
a) Productivity applications that include word processing, presentation and spread sheet facilities;
b) Flexibility in day to day work activities including communication (email, telephony and mobile technologies), collaboration, research, enquiry and information processing;
c) Information management and secure handling of all its data either locally or via the Cloud
d) Migration of existing or legacy systems and data where necessary
75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Range: between 1 000 000 and 1 250 000 GBP
1.1 Transactional Services encompass 2 services: the Traffic Enforcement Centre ("TEC”) data transfer service and the Tow-away, Removal and Clamping Enquiry ("TRACE”) service
1.2 The Service Provider shall be responsible for monitoring, storing and managing statistics and data relating to the use of Transactional services by all parties.
1.3 For the purpose of this Agreement, the Transactional Services constitute the link between London Councils and the external parties insofar as they are used for the transmission, validation and reconciliation of the information described in this Lot.
1.4 London Councils' overall objectives for Transactional Services are to:
a) provide accurate and timely information to the general public on vehicles that have been clamped or removed by the external parties, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (TRACE);
b) respond to all enquiries in an accurate, timely and appropriate manner;
c) ensure all debt registrations and warrant applications filed by the Enforcement Authorities (EAs) are processed accurately within 1 working day;
d) ensure that the EA's and London Councils' requirements are met in the most cost effective manner;
e) process all EA transactions accurately and within given timescales;
f) ensure any identifiable payments made to one EA but payable to another are redirected to the correct EA; and
g) gather and collate information from the various databases for EAs and to provide London Councils and EAs with access to this information.
1.5 The Service Provider should note that London Councils is also an EA and makes use of Transactional Services from time to time.
75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Range: between 4 000 000 and 5 000 000 GBP
1.2 The Appeals Services, currently managed by London Councils (other than the statutory services listed in Lot 1) under third party contracts are the Road User Charging Tribunal (RUCAT), which includes appeals against Congestion Charging and Low Emission Zone PCNs and Parking on Private Land Appeals (POPLA), but this Agreement should be flexible enough to extend some or all of the Services to other types of appeals that London Councils may take on in the future.
1.3 Other than where indicated below, the requirements under this Lot are identical to those stated in the specification for Lot 1.
1.4 The procedures for dealing with appeals to the RUCAT Adjudicators are contained in the Road User Charging (Enforcement and Adjudication) (London) Regulations 2001 (as amended or re-enacted from time to time). These regulations are available on the PATAS web-site (
1.5 The procedure for dealing with appeals to the POPLA Assessors are defined on the POPLA website (
1.6 In the specification for Lot 1, "Adjudicators” should be taken to mean "Adjudicators and Assessors” for the purposes of Lot 5.1.7 In the specification for Lot 1, "EA” should be taken to mean "Operators and Transport for London” for the purposes of Lot 5
1.8 In the specification for Lot 1, "PATAS” should be taken to mean "the appeal services” for the purposes of Lot 5
75000000, 79500000, 79900000, 75100000, 72000000, 64000000, 48000000
Range: between 4 000 000 and 5 000 000 GBP
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Tenderers must have suficient technical and professional capacity to enable them to perform the contract in compliance with the contractual provisions. If, in view of information supplied, London Councils has serious doubts about a tenderer's professional capacity, or if this is clearly insufficient for performance of the contract, the tender may be rejected without the tenderer being able to claim financial compensation. The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire will provide details of the information and minimum standards required for technical capacity and capability, and for quality assurance.
Reference to the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision: The qualifications of the Health and Safety competent person must be stated.
Section IV: Procedure
Prior information notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 107-183177 of 5.6.2013
Section VI: Complementary information
Potential applicants are requested to express their interest through completion of a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire which is available by download from the website of London Councils at The questionnaire must be returned to Frank Smith, London Councils, 591/2 Southwark Street London SE1 0AL by 12:00 noon on Monday 10.3.2014 and include 3 paper copies and one CD of the completed questionnaire and any supporting documents (including one (1) set of accounts). If potential applicants require clarification or have questions they should email Elaine Hughes or Garry Hoy at . During the pre-qualification stage fo this procurement London Councils will publish on its website all questions and responses given to these questions. The names of individuals and organisations raising the questions will be anonymised. It is envisaged that the subsequent Invitation to tender will be issued around Friday 25.4.2014. London Councils reserves the right not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process instigated by the publication of this notice. In no circumstances will London Councils be responsible for any costs with participation in an expression of interest or invitation to tender.
Spencer Palmer, London Councils
591/2 Southwark Street
SE1 0AL London