Framework Agreement for the Provision of Aviation Insurance Services to the Police Service, The National Police Air Service and to other emergency and UK security Air Support Units.
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Aviation Insurance Services to the Police Service, The National Police Air Service and to other emergency and UK security Air Support Units
PO Box 9
For the attention of: Charlotte Daynes
WF1 3QP Wakefield
Telephone: +44 1609789696
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 6: Financial services a) Insurances services b) Banking and investment services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: United Kingdom.
NUTS code UK
- Aircraft Hull and Equipment Insurance;
- Aircraft and General Aviation Liability and Noise Liability Insurance;
- Hull War and Allied Perils Insurance;
- Hull Deductible Insurance;
- Aircraft Loss of Use Insurance;
- Aircraft Total Loss Insurance;
- Crew and Passenger Personal Accident Insurance and Crew Extra Expenses Personal Accident Insurance;
- Crew Loss of Licence Insurance.
This procurement will appoint a sole Lead insurer for each Lot and depending on the percentage of the risk that the Lead insurer is able to write, following insurers will be selected based on their ability to quote at the same terms, rates and conditions as the Lead insurer.
Successful Bidders will need to provide for particular insurance requirements as specified by the designated authorities, along with their specific aircraft type, operating hours and shift patterns.
For indicative purposes, the 43 police forces of England and Wales have 12 Air Support Units plus the National Police Air Service, operating 28 aircraft. Currently, all but 1 Air Support Unit obtained their Aviation related insurance through the NPIA framework arrangement. However there is no guarantee that this level of use will continue unchanged over the term of the Framework Agreement, or that Air Support Units will utilise the Framework Agreement. The organisational structure of the Police air support units is in the process of changing to a national model (the National Police Air Service).
Although any Police or Emergency Services ASU in the UK could use the ‘Insurance Services Framework' to obtain insurance services, the Framework Agreement will not bind any organisation to order through the Framework Agreement.
The Framework Agreement and subsequent contracts will be governed by English law and any litigation will be taken through English courts.
The Authority reserves the right to:
- abandon the procurement process and not award any contract,
- make any changes it sees fit to the procurement process,
- amend the date for the issue of the invitation to tender,
- accept any tender or part of any tender unless the Tenderer expressly stipulates otherwise,
- change the scope at the invitation to tender (ITT) stage.
The Authority is not responsible for any bidding costs incurred by interested bidders in respect of this procurement.
Prices And Payments to be in pounds Sterling (GBP).
Deadline for submission of completed PQQs is 11:00 hrs on 4.7.2013.
The Framework Agreement will be open to all Police Forces and emergency services in the UK. The duration of the Framework Agreement is 24 months. The framework will run from 1.10.2013.
This procurement will be undertaken by Hayward Aviation Ltd acting as insurance broker on behalf of the contracting authority.
66510000, 66514140, 66516200, 66516400, 66512000
Section IV: Procedure
1. Compliance with specification (insurance cover). Weighting 30
2. Claims service. Weighting 7
3. Quality and provision of other services. Weighting 5
4. Information systems and management information. Weighting 5
5. Price. Weighting 50
6. Profit commission. Weighting 3
Contract notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 107-183274 of 5.6.2013
Section V: Award of contract
Lot No: 1 - Lot title: Aircraft Hull and EquipmentTravelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Liberty Syndicate Management Ltd
5th Floor, Plantation Place South, 60 Great Tower Street
EC3R 5AZ London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Travelers Syndicate Management Limited (acting on behalf of Syndicate 5000 at Lloyd's
Exchequer Court, 33 St. Mary Axe
EC3A 8AG London
Section VI: Complementary information