Deep Tube Programme ("DTP") - Railway Control System - Service and Fleet Management System
Periodic indicative notice - utilities
This notice is a call for competition: no
This notice aims at reducing time-limits for receipt of tenders: no
Section I: Contracting entity
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)
London Underground Limited ("LUL")
Deep Tube Project, 2nd Floor, Albany House, Petty France
For the attention of: Neil McFadden
SW1H 0BD London
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting entity:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
I.2)Main activity
Railway services
Urban railway, tramway, trolleybus or bus services
Urban railway, tramway, trolleybus or bus services
I.3)Contract award on behalf of other contracting entities
The contracting entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting entities: no
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity:
Deep Tube Programme ("DTP") - Railway Control System - Service and Fleet Management System
II.2)Type of contract
Service category No 27: Other services
Service category No 27: Other services
II.3)Short description of the contract or purchase(s):
London Underground Limited (LUL) is planning the upgrade of the Bakerloo, Piccadilly, Waterloo and City and Central Lines (and possibly other lines), as part of the Deep Tube Programme (DTP). The upgrade will relate to the whole railway system, including new rolling stock, new signalling, railway control system, platform train interface (PTI) systems, and infrastructure upgrades.
LUL are seeking to understand whether technologies, systems or products will be mature in the timeframe described below, that could fulfil the role of a Service and Fleet Management System.
Note that "automatically” below could be interchanged with: "the provision of automated recommendations for operator agreement and action”, according to the maturity of available technologies in the marketplace
Such a system would possess the following top-level features:
- Ability to automatically create and execute a service plan (run train operations) according to a required service pattern or timetable, providing end-users with the ability to review, modify and accept that plan.
- Ability to automatically create/update and execute the plan in accordance with asset and resource availability, derived from third party sources.
- Automatically predict changes in demand and act upon them, while still meeting the required service pattern at other times.
- Provide fleet management: the ability to locate trains, identify trains, override train trips.
- Incorporate and act upon recommendations/requirements of asset condition monitoring systems (e.g. empty and move train to indicated maintenance road due to failure).
- Model a Service Plan and prove that it can sustainably operate, given expected and maximum reasonable failure tolerances. Model the effects of failures and other perturbations on a service plan, especially to determine pinch points / vital thresholds. Model railway operations in degraded modes.
- Must provide readily intelligible information via an intuitive interface, that allows the user to override automatic decisions with manual changes.
Suppliers should include their product information and examples of where they have fitted such systems elsewhere and in environments as challenging as the one described in this notice. Suppliers should also provide details of the reliability of the product in service operation. LUL may invite Suppliers to discuss their products in more detail.
This is not a stage in a formal competitive process and it should be stated that not participating in this initial technical dialogue will not restrict your ability to participate in any future competitive process. It is not the purpose of this technical dialogue to procure any part of the solution. Its purpose is to provide LUL with information on what is available and what is being developed in the market place. It is necessary to understand current trends and innovation of wireless communications systems in order to establish how best to support a railway system that is not expected to be fully operational before 2020 at the earliest. It is recognised that the pace of change of technology requires that insight into current innovation and developments are gained to ensure the solutions designed are not obsolete before implementation. Its purpose therefore is to allow interested parties with appropriate experience to participate in the development of a strategic solution for the network infrastructure to support the operation of the DTP run by LUL. The deadline for receipt of completed responses is 12:00 noon on Friday 1.2.2013.
LUL are seeking to understand whether technologies, systems or products will be mature in the timeframe described below, that could fulfil the role of a Service and Fleet Management System.
Note that "automatically” below could be interchanged with: "the provision of automated recommendations for operator agreement and action”, according to the maturity of available technologies in the marketplace
Such a system would possess the following top-level features:
- Ability to automatically create and execute a service plan (run train operations) according to a required service pattern or timetable, providing end-users with the ability to review, modify and accept that plan.
- Ability to automatically create/update and execute the plan in accordance with asset and resource availability, derived from third party sources.
- Automatically predict changes in demand and act upon them, while still meeting the required service pattern at other times.
- Provide fleet management: the ability to locate trains, identify trains, override train trips.
- Incorporate and act upon recommendations/requirements of asset condition monitoring systems (e.g. empty and move train to indicated maintenance road due to failure).
- Model a Service Plan and prove that it can sustainably operate, given expected and maximum reasonable failure tolerances. Model the effects of failures and other perturbations on a service plan, especially to determine pinch points / vital thresholds. Model railway operations in degraded modes.
- Must provide readily intelligible information via an intuitive interface, that allows the user to override automatic decisions with manual changes.
Suppliers should include their product information and examples of where they have fitted such systems elsewhere and in environments as challenging as the one described in this notice. Suppliers should also provide details of the reliability of the product in service operation. LUL may invite Suppliers to discuss their products in more detail.
This is not a stage in a formal competitive process and it should be stated that not participating in this initial technical dialogue will not restrict your ability to participate in any future competitive process. It is not the purpose of this technical dialogue to procure any part of the solution. Its purpose is to provide LUL with information on what is available and what is being developed in the market place. It is necessary to understand current trends and innovation of wireless communications systems in order to establish how best to support a railway system that is not expected to be fully operational before 2020 at the earliest. It is recognised that the pace of change of technology requires that insight into current innovation and developments are gained to ensure the solutions designed are not obsolete before implementation. Its purpose therefore is to allow interested parties with appropriate experience to participate in the development of a strategic solution for the network infrastructure to support the operation of the DTP run by LUL. The deadline for receipt of completed responses is 12:00 noon on Friday 1.2.2013.
II.4)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
34632000, 32425000, 50111000, 35700000, 34630000, 34962220, 72212121, 72212140
II.5)Scheduled date for start of award procedures and duration of the contract
II.6)Estimated cost and main terms of financing
II.6.1)Initial estimated cost
II.6.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
II.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.8)Additional information:
Nothing in this PIN constitutes a commitment to award any contract, other agreement, or arrangement to any person or entity. LUL reserves the right at any time to issue further instructions, updates and/or amendments to the instructions and information contained in this PIN or to anything subsequently provided pursuant to this PIN or any procurement related to the DTP.
LUL (nor any member of the TfL Group) shall be liable for any costs incurred by any person or entity in connection with this PIN. Any expenditure, work or effort carried out by any person or entity prior to any contract award is a matter solely for their commercial judgment.
The information contained in this PIN has been prepared by LUL in good faith to assist interested parties in understanding the DTP. It does not purport to be comprehensive, have been independently verified, or contain all of the information that a person or entity may require in relation to any future procurement process. Neither LUL, nor any member of the TfL group (nor their directors, partners, employees, agents or advisers), has any liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of, and makes no representation or warranty (express or implied), with respect to, the information contained in the PIN or with respect to any written or oral information made, or to be made available to any interested person or entity or its professional advisers, and any liability therefore is excluded.
This notice is for information purposes only, and where required, a separate Contract OJEU Notice will be issued to start any formal pre-qualification process.
LUL (nor any member of the TfL Group) shall be liable for any costs incurred by any person or entity in connection with this PIN. Any expenditure, work or effort carried out by any person or entity prior to any contract award is a matter solely for their commercial judgment.
The information contained in this PIN has been prepared by LUL in good faith to assist interested parties in understanding the DTP. It does not purport to be comprehensive, have been independently verified, or contain all of the information that a person or entity may require in relation to any future procurement process. Neither LUL, nor any member of the TfL group (nor their directors, partners, employees, agents or advisers), has any liability or responsibility for the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of, and makes no representation or warranty (express or implied), with respect to, the information contained in the PIN or with respect to any written or oral information made, or to be made available to any interested person or entity or its professional advisers, and any liability therefore is excluded.
This notice is for information purposes only, and where required, a separate Contract OJEU Notice will be issued to start any formal pre-qualification process.
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:
VI.3)Estimated total value of supplies or services contract(s)
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: