Nottingham North and East, Nottingham West and Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Groups are inviting potential providers of Community Pain Service and Integrated Dietetics Outpatients Services to submit a tender in response to this contract notice.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Albert St, Stapleford
United Kingdom
NUTS code: UKF14
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Rd, Arnold
United Kingdom
NUTS code: UKF14
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Easthorpe House, 165 Loughborough Rd, Ruddington
NG11 6LQ
United Kingdom
NUTS code: UKF14
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Section II: Object
Community Pain Service and Integrated Dietetics Outpatients.
Nottingham North and East, Nottingham West and Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Groups are inviting potential providers of Community Pain Service and Integrated Dietetics Outpatients Services to submit a tender in response to this contract notice.
Community Pain Services - Nottingham West CCG
Nottingham West CCG population.
The Community Pain Service is required to meet and deliver high quality care to patients in a variety of appropriate community settings. The service will provide a multi-disciplinary interface service between primary care, other community services and secondary care.
Pain management services may be located in the community, specialist care hospitals or in specialised pain management units, and need to work seamlessly as if in a single unit in order to provide an integrated management plan with the patient.
The aim of the Community Pain Service is to:
- Improve the quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain;
- Support and empower patients and their nominated carers to take responsibility for managing their condition;
- Provide a biopsychosocial approach to the management of pain, in line with NICE guidance, which utilises evidence based interventions including education, physical and psychological therapies, and pharmacological through a single point of access;
- Support other providers of pain management care including GPs, community pharmacists and providers of mental health and other equivalent support services through education and advice;
- Optimising the proportion of patients able to manage pain without the need for surgical intervention, making sure all patients have completed their agreed management pathway before onward referral is considered;
- Ensuring patients are reviewed holistically on entering the service to ensure treatment plans remain valid and that they are evidence based;
- Improve the quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain;
- Provide a biopsychosocial approach to the management of pain, in line with NICE guidance, which utilises evidence based interventions including education, physical and psychological therapies, and pharmacological through a single point of access.
The Administrative element of the service is already in place for Nottingham West CCG. The provider must work with the incumbent provider of this administrative function in Nottingham West to ensure the 2 component parts of the Community Service work seamlessly.
The already established administrative service in Nottingham West will:
- Receive referrals from GPs (whether direct from GP practice or via a Clinical Assessment Service);
- Provide administration of the triage process, including onward referral where necessary;
- Book patient appointments;
- Provide a reception for the face to face clinic;
- Provide post-clinic administration, including onward referral where necessary;
- Maintain an activity database, including analysis of patient satisfaction and patient outcome questionnaires.
The contract will have an optional extension period of 2 years. The CCGs retain the right not to use this extension period following the end of the primary contract term,
Providers are expected to obtain their own premises suitable for the delivery of services. CCGs do have NHS estate in the CCG localities, and the preference would be to use existing CCG estates. We would be happy to share relevant contact details of the property services providers. Any licences will be between the incoming provider and property services, and the cost will be with the provider.
Community Pain Services - Nottingham North and East and Rushcliffe CCG
Nottingham North and East and Rushcliffe CCG populations.
Please note - Lot 2 is for the provision of Community Pain Services for Nottingham North and East and Rushcliffe CCGs, but is inclusive of CFS for Nottingham North and East, Nottingham West and Rushcliffe CCGs.
The service is required to meet and deliver high quality care to patients in a variety of appropriate community settings. The service will provide a multi-disciplinary interface service between primary care, other community services and secondary care.
Pain management services may be located in the community, specialist care hospitals or in specialised pain management units, and need to work seamlessly as if in a single unit in order to provide an integrated management plan with the patient.
The aim of the Community Pain Service is to:
- Improve the quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain;
- Support and empower patients and their nominated carers to take responsibility for managing their condition;
- Provide a biopsychosocial approach to the management of pain, in line with NICE guidance, which utilises evidence based interventions including education, physical and psychological therapies, and pharmacological through a single point of access;
- Support other providers of pain management care including GPs, community pharmacists and providers of mental health and other equivalent support services through education and advice;
- Optimising the proportion of patients able to manage pain without the need for surgical intervention, making sure all patients have completed their agreed management pathway before onward referral is considered;
- Ensuring patients are reviewed holistically on entering the service to ensure treatment plans remain valid and that they are evidence based;
- Improve the quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain or CFS;
- Provide a biopsychosocial approach to the management of pain or CFS, in line with NICE guidance, which utilises evidence based interventions including education, physical and psychological therapies, and pharmacological through a single point of access;
- Deliver a service aligned to the NICE guidelines for CFS (last review 2014), including the delivery of Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and/or graded exercise therapy (GET).
A provider will need to deliver a service that successfully administers a community pain management service for the registered population of Nottingham North and East CCG and Rushcliffe CCG.
The service will also be responsible for securing and funding the provision of premises for the pain management service to be delivered from, including all associated equipment and facilities such as clinic/treatment rooms.
The contract will have an optional extension period of 2 years. The CCGs retain the right not to use this extension period following the end of the primary contract term,
Providers are expected to obtain their own premises suitable for the delivery of services. CCGs do have NHS estate in the CCG localities, and the preference would be to use existing CCG estates. We would be happy to share relevant contact details of the property services providers. Any licences will be between the incoming provider and property services, and the cost will be with the provider.
Integrated Dietetics Outpatients Services - Nottingham North and East, Nottingham West and Rushcliffe CCGs
Nottingham North and East, Nottingham West and Rushcliffe CCG populations.
As a nation, we are living longer and we are also accessing the NHS for longer. For many, they are also living for longer with long-term conditions. Many long term conditions are associated with poor nutritional status due to a combination of poor appetite, symptoms affecting nutritional intake, malabsorption, and increasing nutritional requirements.
Evidence shows that improving nutrition, with support from a dietitian, can help to prevent health problems, improve functional status, and increase quality of life and wellbeing for people living with long-term conditions, in addition to providing cost savings to the NHS.
Dietetic interventions in the management of the long term conditions within the scope of this service are:
- Oncology;
- Renal;
- Cystic Fibrosis;
- HIV;
- Gastroenterology;
- Diabetes;
- Malnutrition;
- Paediatrics Specific: In addition to the above which may be provided for adults and children, there are conditions that are specific to paediatrics, which will be managed by the service.
The core principles of the service will be:
- Multi-disciplinary working - Where appropriate patients will be seen at the same time as other health professionals involved in that patients care. The dietitian will assist, co-ordinate and where appropriate, lead on the planning, implementation and review of a patient's ongoing care/management.
- Links with Consultant and/or GP - the expectation is that the clinicians working within the service will have close links with the clinician who is medically responsible for the patients care.
- Cross organisational working - pathways will cross organisations and the service will be expected to develop positive working relationships with primary care, acute and community services.
- Shared decision making - Shared Decision Making (SDM) is a process in which patients, when they reach a decision crossroads in their health care, can review all the treatment options available to them and participate actively with their healthcare professional in making that decision.
- Self-Care - The service will deliver proactive, patient centred care, which is communicated between teams and organisations as appropriate and with patients so they understand the personalised care plan.
- Admin and data support - the provider must have a support function to provide administration and data support to ensure clinician time is utilised effectively and aids integrated working.
- Evidence based - The service will deliver care that is supported by robust clinical evidence.
- Specialist knowledge - The dietitians working within the service will have evidence of their competency to work within that speciality.
The contract will have an optional extension period of 2 years. The CCGs retain the right not to use this extension period following the end of the primary contract term,
Providers are expected to obtain their own premises suitable for the delivery of services. CCGs do have NHS estate in the CCG localities, and the preference would be to use existing CCG estates. We would be happy to share relevant contact details of the property services providers. Any licences will be between the incoming provider and property services, and the cost will be with the provider.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
United Kingdom