The framework agreement will comprise of the repair and overhaul of electrically operated actuators used throughout the authority on a planned and reactive basis. It may also include the repair and overhaul of pneumatic and hydraulic actuators in our ...
Contract award notice - utilities
Section I: Contracting entity
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)
United Utilities PLC
Haweswater House, Lingley Mere Business Park
Contact point(s): Adele Green
For the attention of: Adele Green
WA5 3LP Warrington
Telephone: +44 1925677530
Fax: +44 1925673731
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting entity:
I.2)Main activity
I.3)Contract award on behalf of other contracting entities
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract
Repair and overhaul of actuators.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 27: Other services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: North West England.
Service category No 27: Other services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: North West England.
II.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement
II.1.4)Short description of the contract or purchase(s):
The framework agreement will comprise of the repair and overhaul of electrically operated actuators used throughout the authority on a planned and reactive basis. It may also include the repair and overhaul of pneumatic and hydraulic actuators in our asset base. The service will consist of the removal, strip down, report to component level, overhaul and repair, rebuild, test and installation of actuators. Specified "call out" response times will be required to any united utilities location.
The authorities actuators are made up of an existing asset base of Rotork and Auma design. The framework agreement will also provide spares prices for component parts which need replacement. The framework agreement will not include for the supply of new actuators.
The authorities actuators are made up of an existing asset base of Rotork and Auma design. The framework agreement will also provide spares prices for component parts which need replacement. The framework agreement will not include for the supply of new actuators.
II.1.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
31131100, 50000000
II.1.6)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.2)Total final value of contract(s)
II.2.1)Total final value of contract(s)
Value: 400 000 GBP
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 0
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 0
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
Negotiated with a call for competition
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria
The most economically advantageous tender
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction will be used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting entity:
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
Section V: Award of contract
V.1)Award and contract value
Contract No: TT109731
Lot title: Repair and overhaul of actuators.
Lot title: Repair and overhaul of actuators.
V.1.1)Date of contract award decision:
V.1.2)Information about offers
Number of offers received: 2
V.1.3)Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Exeeco Ltd
Regina House, Ring Road, Leeds
LS13 4ET Bramley
Telephone: +44 1132057237
V.1.4)Information on value of contract
Initial estimated total value of the contract
Value: 400 000 GBP
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 0
Value: 400 000 GBP
Including VAT. VAT rate (%) 0
V.1.5)Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no
V.1.6)Price paid for bargain purchases
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:
VI.3)Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.3.2)Lodging of appeals
VI.3.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: