Care and Housing Related Support Service at Llys Ton, an Extra Care Scheme.
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Bridgend County Borough Council
Procurement Unit, Civic Offices, Angel Street
Contact point(s): Legal and Regualtory Services
For the attention of: The Monitoring Officer
CF31 4WB Bridgend
Telephone: +44 1656664569
Internet address(es):
Address of the buyer profile:
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 25: Health and social services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: County Borough of Bridgend.
NUTS code UK
Support at Llys Ton helps individuals so that they may live as independently as they are able with a minimum intervention from statutory services. The fundamental principle of the service is that support should be offered in such a way as to enable service users to live more independently and actively in the community and to engage to the fullest with their friends, families and their wider social groups in which they may wish to be a part of without the need for more intrusive statutory support such as residential or nursing care services or referral to Hospital. Llys Ton offers support to around 39 individuals residing in 8 single and 31 double bedroom flats. There will be an expectation that care and support may also be provided within the local community.
The housing related support element will enable, support and encourage older people to live independently. This will include additional support to avoid admission to hospital or long term care.
Llys Ton has:
Comprehensive communal, staff and service facilities;
On-site catering providing daily meals;
Fully DDA compliant access, including extensive gardens;
Secured by Design accreditation;
RNIB Visibly Better accreditation;
All designed to current dementia best practice.
It is currently a requirement that all individuals at Llys Ton will have a need for Care Support and Housing Related Support on entry.
85000000, 85300000, 85310000, 85311000
Excluding VAT
Section IV: Procedure
1. Method statements. Weighting 45
2. Presentation/interview. Weighting 15
Contract notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2015/S 139-256761 of 22.7.2015
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: B429 Lot title: Provision of Housing Related Support Services at Llys Ton Extra Care SchemeReach (Supported Living) Ltd
Exchange House, High Street
NP20 1AA Newport
Internet address:
Value: 916 552 GBP
Section VI: Complementary information