Provision of Washroom Solutions Incorporating Free on Loan Equipment and Associated Services.
Prior information notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Scotland Excel
Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Contact point(s): Strategic Procurement
For the attention of: Facilities Team
PA1 1AR Paisley
Telephone: +44 3003001200
Fax: +44 1416187423
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: Scotland Excel
Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Contact point(s): Strategic Procurement
For the attention of: Facilities Team
PA1 1AR Paisley
Telephone: +44 3003001200
Fax: +44 1416187423
Internet address:
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Angus Council
Argyll and Bute Council
City of Edinburgh Council
Clackmannanshire Council
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Dundee City Council
East Ayrshire Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Lothian Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Falkirk Council
Fife Council
Glasgow City Council
Highland Council
Inverclyde Council
Midlothian Council
North Ayrshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council
Orkney Islands Council
Perth and Kinross Council
Renfrewshire Council
Scottish Borders Council
Shetland Islands Council
South Ayrshire Council
South Lanarkshire Council
Stirling Council
The Moray Council
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council
Scottish National Health Service Authorities and Trusts (full details will be provided in tender document)
Scottish Prison Service - All establishments owned and managed by the Scottish Ministers through the Scottish Prison Service providing secure accommodation for persons ordered to be detained in custody by order of the Scottish Courts or the Scottish Government (full details will be provided in tender document)
Scottish Government (full details will be provided in tender document)
Tayside Contracts
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, established under Section 1A of the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 for, amongst other things, the carrying out of the statutory functions conferred on it that Act and any successor authority or body
Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (full details will be provided in tender document)
‘Police Forces’ - All Scottish Police Joint Boards constituted under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1994 and any successor authority or body (full details provided in tender document)
Scotland Excel Associate Members (list available at us/ourmembers/Associate Members)
Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)
Various locations throughout the geographical boundaries of the participating Councils and associate members within Scotland.
NUTS code UK
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at
90513000, 90524200, 42933100, 39811200, 33141123, 39532000
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section VI: Complementary information
Scotland Excel is formed by agreement among Local Authorities throughout Scotland and is maintained through a Joint Committee under Section 57 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The Joint Committee is comprised of representatives from all of the Member Councils and is responsible for regulating the operation of Scotland Excel. Scotland Excel will prepare, negotiate and approve Contracts on behalf of the Member Councils or other organisations using Scotland Excel's services. For further information about Scotland Excel, tenderers are referred to the website
This Contract is being arranged by Scotland Excel on behalf of its Member Councils. Tenderers should note that as well as the Member Councils, Scotland Excel has a number of Associate Members who will be entitled to participate in the Contract as authorised by the Scotland Excel Joint Committee. Any Associate Members who elect to participate in the Contract must be allowed the same prices, terms and conditions. A list of all bodies entitled to participate in the Contract which will be those bodies listed on Scotland Excel's website and such other bodies within other sectoral centres of expertise listed in any contract notice relating to this contract. Scotland Excel may consult with interested parties prior to the commencement of the procurement process.
Scotland Excel will hold an information session for potential bidders on Thursday 27.2.2014 at 14:00. This session will include a presentation on the use of the Public Contracts Scotland Tender System, which will be used to facilitate this tender process.Please contact for further information and to book a place at this session.
(SC Ref:289586)