Supply, Delivery and Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Peak District National Park Authority
Aldern House Baslow Rd, Derbyshire
Contact point(s): Chief Financial Officer
For the attention of: Philip Naylor
DE45 1AE Bakewell
Telephone: +44 1629816366
Fax: +44 1629816310
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: Peak District National Park Authority Moors for the Future team
The Moorland Centre, Fieldhead, Edale Hope Valley
Contact point(s): Moors for the Future team - if Matt Buckler is unavailable please ask another member of staff or the main contact point
For the attention of: Matt Buckler
S33 7ZA Edale
Telephone: +44 1629816584
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: Peak District National Park Authority
The Moorland Centre, Fieldhead, Edale Hope Valley
Contact point(s): Matt Buckler by email; or obtain documents from the website (address below), consultation and tenders section
For the attention of: Matt Buckler
S33 7ZA Edale
Telephone: +44 1629816584
Internet address:
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II: Object of the contract
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Restoration Sites in the Peak District and the South Pennines:
- Bleaklow Moor,
- Turley Holes Moor,
- Rishworth Common,
- Kinder Edge,
- Black Hill.
NUTS code UK
Number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 3
Duration of the framework agreement
Duration in years: 3a. to supply and deliver the Sphagnum Propagules to agreed Delivery Site(s), at the correct time, in fresh and viable condition and in sufficient quantity so as to fulfil all details of the Work Specification as laid out in the tender documents;
b. to Broadcast the Sphagnum Propagules onto agreed Sectors within the Restoration Site(s) and to achieve Successful Establishment of Sphagna on agreed Sectors within 6 years of the Target Completion Date.
Please see tender documentation for full details.
a. Tenders are being invited on the basis of undertaking the whole of the Works or part of the Works. Contractors are required to identify (in SECTION 1 of the Tender) the quantities of the Sphagnum Propagules for Supply, Delivery and Broadcast in terms of the total areas (in hectares) and Units (in Units per hectare) proposed for Broadcast within agreed Sector(s) of the Restoration Site(s).
b. The Authority reserves the right (but is not so obliged) to award the Contract in packages either on a Restoration Site, Sector, Contract Period or any other basis (in the absolute discretion of the Authority).
2) Supply of Sphagnum Propagules
a. The Sphagnum Propagules should be supplied at an agreed date and in sufficient quantity/number to ensure a Successful Establishment on the relevant sector(s)/Restoration Site(s).
b. All applications will include the Supply, Delivery and Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules for one or more entire Sectors. The Contractor must not partially apply elements of the Works e.g. supply and delivery of Sphagnum Propagules only.
c. The Sphagnum Propagules must be supplied in the agreed proportions of single/combined Species for Broadcast on the relevant Sectors as set out in the relevant Methodology for Broadcast.
d. The Sphagnum Propagules must be supplied in fresh and viable condition, ready for broadcast on the date agreed in advance by the Nominated Officer and in suitably secured Units with recommendations for the optimal storage conditions for their preservation in a viable state, along with ‘use before’ dates.
3) Delivery of Sphagnum Propagules*
a. Suitable Delivery Site(s) for each of the agreed Sectors will be identified following consultations between the Nominated Officer and the Contractor. The Nominated Officer will then provide the Contractor with at least two weeks’ notice of the date upon which such Delivery Site(s) is available for Delivery.
b. The choice of Delivery Site will be made by the Nominated Officer with due regard to the proposed Methodology for Broadcast and as agreed between the Nominated Officer and the Contractor (and in the absence of agreement the Nominated Officer’s decision shall be final).
4) Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules
a. The Contractor shall use the methods set out in the Methodology for Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules in order to procure and deliver a Successful Establishment on the agreed Sector(s).
b. The Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules will be supervised by the Nominated Officer or other named persons. However, it is the responsibility and liability of the Contractor to ensure due regard to the public and public safety and to the sensitive nature of the environment and to ensure that damage and interference to the system is kept to a minimum as set out in more detail in Section 3 of the tender.
5) Successful Establishment of Sphagnum Propagules
a. The Successful Establishment of Sphagnum Propagules shall be defined as the presence of at least one Sphagnum colony within 80 % of randomly positioned quadrats (2m x 2m) within each of the agreed sectors and within a maximum period of six years after the relevant Target Completion Date.
b. Baseline monitoring of Sphagnum colony presence within each of the agreed sectors will be carried out prior to the Broadcast of Sphagnum Propagules and these data will be available on request by the Contractor.
c. Monitoring for Successful Establishment will be carried out annually by Moors for the Future, on a Sector-by-Sector basis.
d. The decision of whether there has been a Successful Establishment shall be made by the Nominated Officer whose decision shall be final and binding.
Full details of the requirements, quantities and scope can be found in the full tender documentation.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Description of particular conditions: Details to be provided in the Invitation to Tender.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: 1. The Authority will require scrutiny of the last set of financial accounts.
2. The annual contract value must not be more than 33 % of the organisation's annual turnover.
3. The organisation should demonstrate profitable trading in the accounts.
4. The organisation should have a Balance Sheet with adequate liquidity as demonstrated by the current assets / current liabilities ratio and a sustainable debt / equity ratio.
Details to be provided in the Invitation to Tender.
Section IV: Procedure
Payable documents: no
Tenders received by 12 noon on 7th May will be opened on the 8.5.2012 at the Authority's headquarters building, Aldern House, Baslow Rd, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AE.
Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders: noSection VI: Complementary information
Reference to project(s) and/or programme(s): The supply will be used on the Moorlife Project which is funded by the Life + Nature & Biodiversity fund. Life 08/NAT/UK/202; other concurrent contracts with the Moors team may also be serviced by the supply.