To establish contracts, framework agreements and approved lists of qualified contractors and consultants.
Qualification system - utilities
This notice is a call for competition yes
Section I: Contracting entity
Wessex Water Services Limited
Claverton Down
Contact point(s): Central Services
For the attention of: Mr M. Moriarty
BA2 7WW Bath
Telephone: +44 1225526000
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting entity:
Section II: Object of the qualification system
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Conditions to be fulfilled by economic operators in view of their qualification: Applicants should respond by e-mail to stating the work type group(s) (e.g. (1) Main contractor; (2) trade based work; (3) consultants) they are interested in and request a copy of the associated expression of interest questionnaire.
Applicants are required to fully complete the questionnaire(s) including indicating the work type(s) for which they wish to apply, answering all required questions and returning to the address as indicated. If an applicant wishes to apply for more than one work type within any one of the three groups, the details requested in the questionnaire which are common to all work types, need only be provided once, but must be clearly referenced within the questionnaire. Details specific to each work type applied for should be provided under separate headings and on separate pages.By responding to this notice, applicants confirm they do not have any of the convictions noted in Clause 26(1) of the Utilities Contract Regulations and are not subject to any of the conditions noted in Clause 26(5) of the same.
Methods according to which each of those conditions will be verified: Wessex Water will review the responses to the questionnaire(s) submitted by the applicant and request further clarification as necessary. Please note the weightings given in the questionnaire will be applied to the responses to that questionnaire only.
Section V: Procedure
formalities necessary for evaluating if requirements are met: Applicants must provide satisfactory responses to the questionnaire in order to be 'Passed' in this first stage of qualification. Wessex Water will not contact the applicant with regards any missing or inadequate information. Questions not responded to as required will be scored as zero or, where stated in the questionnaire, may disallow the entire application.
Section VI: Complementary information
Mr M. Moriarty
Claverton Down
BA2 7WW Bath
Telephone: +44 1225526000
Internet address:
Unsuccessful applicants must request debriefing information within 10 days of receiving an unsuccessful notification to a stage in the selection process to which Wessex Water will provide a reply within 15 days of receipt. All requests must be made in writing to the contact details and address shown at Section VI.3.I.
A minimum 10 calendar day standstill period (or 15 calendar days if fax or non electronic method used) will be allowed between the issue of advice as to the successful applicants and the formation of framework agreements and approved lists.
If an appeal is not resolved and an unsuccessful applicant considers it to have suffered, or potentially suffered loss, it may, with reference to part 9 of The Utilities Contract Regulations 2006 (as amended), bring proceedings in the High Court. Such proceedings must be brought within 30 days from the date of knowledge unless the Court considers that there is good reason for extending the period which in any case will be a maximum of 3 months.
Mr M. Moriarty. Contact details and address shown at Section VI.3.I